Join Us
Whatever your cause, it's ours too, and especially in our area.
Help make a difference and become a member.
There are annual memberships for both adults and children.
To be sure you are helping local animals, choose 'Support my local Branch' when you fill in your form.
Thank you. We look forward to meeting you!

Volunteering can be a really satisfying pastime, knowing that whatever you do, that little bit is helping animals - plus you're meeting like minded people with the same passion.
If you have a couple of hours to give, you could help in one of our shops or collect money by standing at one of our selected shops sometimes- or if you prefer to take care of animals, you could foster cats for us.
You may be interested in helping make the important decisions and become a Trustee.
If you would like more information on how to get involved, email us .
Trustee Information

We are currently looking for new trustees.
You don't need experience of being a trustee and you don't need to know how the Barnsley branch works, all we need is someone over 18 who is passionate about animal welfare, who would like to be involved in trying to make a difference.
If you have certain skills in finance for instance, that's great, but not necessary.
Please see the following information and then drop us a line.
Send application forms to:

Barnsley Branch relies on the generosity of public donations to enable us to care for animals.
Your money really does make a difference:
£4 buys 1 microchip for a cat or dog, ensuring they can be quickly reunited with their owner if they go missing.
£5 will pay to keep an abandoned or unwanted cat warm, fed and cared for a day.
£8 will keep an unwanted or abandoned dog warm fed and exercised for a day.
£30 will help neuter 1 cat, ensuring the population of unwanted animals is kept under control.
Please donate whatever you can using the donate button below for Paypal, including bank cards.
Please contact us by email to set up a non Paypal monthly direct Debit.
You can also make a cash donation by cheque or postal order to:
RSPCA Barnsley & District
45 High Street, Wombwell, Barnsley, S73 8HB
Remember, item donations for our charity shops are always very welcome too!

Thank you.
Leaving a legacy in your will to the RSPCA Barnsley & District branch allows you to carry on caring for Barnsley’s animals long after you die - your kind gift will help us continue the fight against animal cruelty in the area and save many animals in need.
All legacy income is important to us. Even if your personal circumstances allow you to leave just a few pounds, you will help to save lives and offer a worthwhile future to abused and neglected cats, dogs and other small animals.
Please note that each branch of the RSPCA is an independently registered charity, and if you wish to leave money specifically to the Barnsley & District branch, you must specifically name it when making your will.
You may find the following wording suggestions useful:
RESIDUARY BEQUEST (a proportion of your estate)
I give (%) of the residue of my estate absolutely and free from all duties and taxes to RSPCA Barnsley and District Branch - registered charity number 226116 of
PO Box 783, Barnsley, S70 9PT and the receipt of the Honorary Treasurer of RSPCA Barnsley and District Branch shall be a complete discharge to my Executors.
PECUNIARY BEQUEST (a fixed sum of money)
I give the sum of (insert amount) pounds absolutely and free from all duties and taxes to RSPCA Barnsley and District Branch registered charity number 226116 of PO Box 783, Barnsley, S70 9PT for its general purposes and the receipt of the Honorary Treasurer of RSPCA Barnsley and District Branch shall be a complete discharge to my Executors
SPECIFIC BEQUEST (specific named goods eg. property, jewellery etc)
I give (list and describe specific items) absolutely and free from all duties and taxes to RSPCA Barnsley and District Branch registered charity number 226116 of PO Box 783, Barnsley, S70 9PT for its general purposes and the receipt of the Honorary Treasurer of RSPCA Barnsley and District Branch shall be a complete discharge to my Executors.
Paid Jobs
Sorry, there are no paid jobs available at this time.

Charity Shops
We love the experience of searching through items and finding great bargains!
Our first shop opened in Barnsley town centre in 2015, and later, a second on Wombwell High Street.
Our dedicated team of staff will always help you find what you're looking for.
Do you have some items you would like to donate to raise some money to help local animals? You can drop donations at either shop during opening hours:
Our Wombwell shop has a loading bay where you can park your car whilst you deliver your donations. If you have a lot of these, please call first so that someone can be free to help.
Town: Market Street is pedestrianised and unfortunately loading is now restricted outside of our opening times. If you are able to park and walk with some of your donations, thank you, that's great - we will hold occasional Donation Stations there as well at a time when cars can also access.
We always need volunteers to help out in our shops. If you think you would like to do this, please fill in our online application form here.